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ftm Radio Page - October 16, 2009

Changes in radio law ‘imminent’
On the table

Radio licensing rules have incensed Norway’s private sector broadcasters. The licensing round in March last year was so contentious a repeat was ordered in July. Several broadcasters with long tenure found themselves off the air or relegated to smaller markets. Some were awarded only part-time authorization.

Norway’s Culture Minister Trond Giske has promised to straighten out the mess. “It is on my table now. We are ready to talk with all concerned stakeholders, and a decision is very imminent,” he told Kampanje (October 14). (See background here)

The Norwegian Media Authority, responsible for broadcast licensing, told Minister Giske to simply reject complaints from broadcasters. (JMH)

Another call for digital radio funding
More State aid

Digital radio simply gobbles money. Another German regulator has appealed to politicians for more. German private sector broadcasters concluded that digital radio is a turkey (gobble gobble) supporters want State aid. (More on digital radio here)

Landesmedienanstalt Saarland (LMS) director Gert Bauer said (October 14) that “digital dividend” cash should fund DAB+ multiplexes. Start-up funding must be guaranteed “even for small private radio stations and in rural, sparsely populated areas for the digitization of radio,” quoted Horizont. Bauer made his appeal in letters to politicians. (JMH)

Super FM returns

Super FM returned to the Portuguese capital Lisbon after an 11 year absence. Director Rui Santos wants to attract new listeners, he told Meios & Publicidade (October 9), who “no longer have a reference for radio.” He expects to build from the stations previous listeners now “between 29 and 36 years” who “no longer listen to radio.”

“There are many people who stopped listening to radio because it is identified with songs that are programmed and then… pick up the CD, iPod, MP3 and hear what they like.”

“The trend of the century is that the radio must be formatted and, therefore, make the call out and ask people if they like it or not this music. And where is the instinct?”

Portugal, like all Europe, is wrestling with dismal economics, which Sr, Santos rejects as a hindrance: “The crisis is used for everything, but there is no crisis in creativity.”

Two other radio stations used the Super FM brand name in Portugal since the early 1990’s. (JMH)

Radio Page - October 9, 2009

Radio Page - October 2, 2009

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Radio Page - September 18, 2009

Radio Page - September 11, 2009

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