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ftm Radio Page - September 18, 2009

Radio Energy loses appeal
Off to DAB?

Zürich radio station Radio Energy has three months to cease broadcasting on FM frequencies. A Federal Administrative Court in Switzerland upheld a decision from October 2008 by the Federal Office of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) denying a renewal of its concession. “The Court’s decision is final,” said the DETEC statement (September 18). (Read the DETEC statement here – in French) The Court allowed that Radio Energy could continue broadcasting on the digital radio (DAB+) multiplex, cable, and the internet.

DETEC approved three FM concessions for private local radio serving Zürich, Switzerland’s largest city. Radio Energy, majority owned by major Swiss publisher Ringier, was not among them. The decision brought a storm of protests among faithful listeners and concerned broadcasters. Radiio Energy has been broadcasting in Zürich for more than 25 years. (Read background here)

Radio Energy General Manager Dani Buchi, reported in (September 18), “now fights in the political way.” For the time being, he said, he’d would follow the rules and migrate to DAB and cable “ensuring the survival of the channel.”

Radio 1 owner Roger Schawinski, who was awarded a Zürich concession last October, blasted the entire procedure. Interviewed on Radio 1 (September 18), Schawinski said: “ The Zurich region will, in the future, offer six private radio, programs for all generations… far better than any other region in Switzerland. But it is (expletive deleted) that the (public broadcaster) SRG can continue to use not only the majority of all frequencies, but with a total of five networks continuing an FM monopoly on language level. This should be changed as soon as possible. Then there would be room for additional private stations like Radio Energy.” (JMH)

New season – new ad campaign
And new news

Poland’s Radio Zet launched its new ad campaign this week with TV spots and a cash competition. The spots feature listener endorsements and are supported by print and internet placements.

The station’s news and information position is also getting a boost. In addition to hearing new people in the news department, some swiped from other stations, listeners will notice a change in contact points. The Radio Zet Infotelefon, where listeners can call in with news tips, replaces the “Red Phone.” The difference? Now calling in with a news tip is a free call. (JMH)

Radio Page - September 11, 2009

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