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Hot Topic - The Long Tail

The Flattening of Norway - October 5, 2008
Norway isn’t particularly flat, in that geographical sense. But a clear flattening of media shares is taking place. Market shares for major newspapers, terrestrial TV and radio have been flattening as new offerings take from market leaders. Now, even the Web is flattening.

The Amazing, Missing French TV Audience - August 21, 2008
Television broadcasters expect measurement companies to show ever increasing audience. Without that the advertising people might just get bored. The French TV audience is shrinking. Are they distracted?

Media searches for a new business model - April 29, 2008
The business model you choose depends on where your product/service is on the product life cycle. Media business models by nature must interact with other business models, which are also moving. New business models are rare and disruptive.

Green media catches a buzz - October 15, 2007
The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarding the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 to environmental activist and former US Vice President Al Gore reinforces media’s power in shaping public debate and public interest. Media interest in global warming and related environmental issues will certainly increase with this new ‘green’ buzz. Coverage, though, remains illusive and divided.

Remnant Sale! Cheap Ads! Call Google! - April 2, 2007
Google’s ambition to reshape – if not revitalize – advertising sales has never been a secret. With the advantage of looking at advertising through totally new eyes, they bring a totally destructive process to traditional ad sales. The Web mind-set is nourished by this kind of positive deconstruction.

“Passion” Doubles Ad Sales - March 29, 2007
It was long ago, deep in the last century when any local media outlet reported doubling its ad sales. This is the age of Google and YouTube. And the rage. Traditional media – meaning all media other than websites and mobile phones – can’t, according to conventional wisdom, compete for advertising. “Passion” shows all that is wrong.

Jack’s a Joke - October 26, 2006
Yet another radio format sails across the Atlantic brimming with promise. It’s called Jack FM. The first stop will be Oxford in the UK in March. Liverpool and Manchester might be next if OFCOM is persuaded. Think of it as bird flu on a hard disc.


Also see:

George Sylvie, "Developing An Online Newspaper Business Model: Long Distance Meets The Long Tail" - April 2008

Media in Spain - Diverse and Challenged – new

Media in Spain is steeped in tradition. yet challenged by diversity. Publishers hold great influence, broadcasters competing. New media has been slow to rise and business models for all are under stress. Rich in language and culture, Spain's media is reaching into the future and finding more than expected. 123 pages, PDF. January 2018

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The Campaign Is On - Elections and Media

Elections campaigns are big media events. Candidates and issues are presented, analyzed and criticized in broadcast and print. Media is now more of a participant in elections than ever. This ftm Knowledge file reports on news coverage, advertising, endorsements and their effect on democracy at work. 84 pages. PDF (September 2017)

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Fake News, Hate Speech and Propaganda

The institutional threat of fake news, hate speech and propaganda is testing the mettle of those who toil in news media. Those three related evils are not new, by any means, but taken together have put the truth and those reporting it on the back foot. Words matter. This ftm Knowledge file explores that light. 48 pages, PDF (March 2017)

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