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Hot Topic - EU Expansion


It’s Always About The Money - April 9, 2012
Local media is often held as essential to strong community dynamics, a multitude of voices preferable to a few outlets offered by either the State or big private owners. The dilemma, less figured, is pure economics. Local media is expensive and a lot of local media is unsustainable, forcing difficult, often ugly decisions on media workers and owners. A solution, like the money, is hard to find.

Turnarounds Are More Than A Tip-toe Through The Tulips - October 3, 2011
Systemic change offers opportunities for new thinking about a nation’s media. Wholesale upheavals, from “flower” and "color" revolutions to “springtime” protests and, even, wars, would seem to create the right conditions. And, too, the digital revolution should open the media space. Reality, though, is a laggard.

Prickly President Trashes Media, Worries Neighbors - June 20, 2011
National leaders can be rather prickly when it comes to relations with media organizations and journalists. Some just don’t take criticism very well. Others seem bent on upsetting everybody.

Media Outlook: No Pressure, No Progress - May 16, 2011
Blights on the media landscape are oft noted, particularly at the fringes. The media is too powerful, except where it isn’t. It’s too rich, except where it isn’t. It has the best of values, except when it doesn’t. On this everybody seems to agree, except when they can’t.

Some Television Networks Just Have That Edge - April 1, 2011
Media development in post-conflict zones isn’t for the faint of heart. Each region has their own challenges and no single strategy guarantees success. Strong, persistent actors have an edge.

Bosnia bill due and payable - February 19, 2010
After nearly two decades of international supervision, the countries spun-off from what was once known as Yugoslavia have made remarkable progress in sustainable media development. Pressures remain and the resulting tensions create more pressures. The investment has been considerable and now the bills are due.

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Western Balkans - The Struggle For Order And Independence

ftm reporting explores media development and investment in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia / Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Albania. Emerging from conflict broadcasters, publishers and governments face ghosts of the past to forge a new future. Includes Resources, 65 pages PDF (May 2011)

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Flying Through Turbulence – Media in the New EU Member States

ftm reports on media in the 12 newest EU Member States. Will media find clear air or more turbulence? Country reports, company reports and broadcaster/publisher reports. 98 pages PDF file (February 2007)

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ftm Knowledge

Europe’s Radio – Eastern Europe – new

Eastern Europe’s radio writes new rules. In fact, most everything about radio in this region is new... and changes often. The ftm Knowledge file reports on Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine. 159 pages PDF (April 2013)

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Social Media Matures (...maybe...)

Hundreds of millions use social media. It has spawned revolutions, excited investors and confounded traditional media. With all that attention a business model remains unclear or it's simply so different many can't see it. What is clear is that there's no turning back. 68 pages, PDF (February 2013)

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Western Balkans - The Struggle For Order And Independence

ftm reporting explores media development and investment in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia / Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Albania. Emerging from conflict broadcasters, publishers and governments face ghosts of the past to forge a new future. Includes Resources, 78 pages PDF (February 2013)

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