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In Iraq Killing Journalists Remains A Sport, And There Are Few Places In The World Where Journalists Don't Come Under Pressure – Violent or Legal -- All Condemned In The World Association Of Newspapers Press Freedom Review --- Philip Stone June 3, 2008
In the past six months alone 28 journalists have died around the world, nine of them in Iraq, making that country the most dangerous for working journalists. But that’s not the only place where journalists, and citizen journalists, face death or imprisonment, and the sad fact is that there is little let-up in global pressure on freedom of expression, according to the semi-annual report by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN).
Release From Gaza – Writing the Script --- Michael Hedges July 9, 2007
A good film script needs a title. Or, to be precise, selling a film script needs a good story and a great title helps. The film script of Alan Johnston’s release from the bad guys is certainly being written now. The title is unclear.
Middle East Warlords Use Journalists as Poker Chips --- Michael Hedges April 9, 2007
Every moment is a high-stakes poker game in the Middle East. News reporting is no longer an observer. Reporters are now bargaining chips.
In Iraq Killing Journalists Is Almost A Sport, In Iran The Wrong Blogs Gets You In Jail, and In The US Major Internet Companies Put Profit Ahead of Press Freedom In China -- All Condemnations By The World Association Of Newspapers Press Freedom Review --- Philip Stone in Moscow June 4, 2006
In the past six months alone 38 journalists have died around the world, 16 of them in Iraq, making that country the most dangerous for working journalists. But that’s not the only place where journalists, and citizen journalists, face death or imprisonment, and the sad fact is that there is increasing global pressure on freedom of expression, according to the semi-annual report by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN).
The AP Has to Explain Itself --- Philip M. Stone September 1, 2005
The headline on a recent news release from the International News Safety Institute (INSI) should send a shudder through working journalists everywhere: “US forces second biggest cause of journalist deaths in Iraq”.
Not What He Said, But Rather How You Found Out --- Philip Stone February 15, 2005
Eason Jordan, CNN’s longtime senior global news executive, has resigned because of comments he made at the World Economic Forum (WEF) that US troops targeted journalists in Iraq, something he retracted almost immediately. But it wasn’t the US media that demanded his scalp for maligning the US military – in fact the US media didn’t even report the story until it was almost over. So how did the pressure become so great that CNN decided to cut its losses and let him walk the plank? Because the bloggers had Jordan by the short hairs and they were not letting go.
Attention Span And Return On Investment --- Michael Hedges March 28, 2022 - Follow on Twitter
Editors weigh carefully the allocation of resources. There is a pattern to sports and election coverage, even the Eurovision Song Contest. Well-established formulas, monitored by clever accountants, dictate personnel requirements to the minute. Every other cost is detailed. Executives weigh all of this against return; advertising, subscriptions, even reputation. Wars change the calculation only somewhat.
Rankings Don't Always Tell The Whole Story --- Michael Hedges May 8, 2019 - Follow on Twitter
The state of news media in any given country is always subject to interpretation, perspective and degree. Annotating the condition of news media is widely reported inside the subject country and internationally. Interest in media freedom has grown exponentially in recent years and viewed along side other measures of national status.
Tragedy And Madness In Time Of War --- Michael Hedges April 29, 2022 - Follow on Twitter
The Russian Federation's war on Ukraine is bloody and terrifying. People benefitting from free, independent news media are hearing the stories and seeing pictures in realtime. Others are mollified by a different reality.
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