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Send us NEWS FROM YOU Week ending March 3, 2007Keine Gewinne für Next Generation Games vor 2008 Neue Studie zur Entwicklung von Software und Hardware der Next Generation Konsolen von Screen Digest/Goldmedia erschienen – March 2, 2007from Katrin Penzel/GoldmediaNext Generation Konsolen wie Play Station 3, WII oder Xbox 360 stellen Games-Publisher vor neue Herausforderungen. Durch steigende Entwicklungskosten und eine auf bestimmte Zielgruppen begrenzte Nutzerbasis wird es Games Publishern kaum gelingen, schon vor 2008 Renditen einzufahren. Die Beratungsunternehmen Screen Digest und Goldmedia haben in ihrer neuen Gamesstudie Next Generation Consoles: Games publishing, hardware analysis and forecasts to 2010 sowohl für Multiplattformspiele als auch für Exklusiv-Titel berechnet, welche Verkaufszahlen für die Deckung der Entwicklungskosten notwendig sind. Das eindeutige Fazit: nur wenige Next Generation Spiele werden in absehbarer Zeit Gewinne machen. ++++ Games Publisher fahren Konzepte zur Risikominimierung Die Hardwareindustrie verlangt den Entwicklern immer mehr ab. Games für die neue Konsolengeneration sind deutlich komplexer, erfordern längere Entwicklungszeiten und noch größere Entwickler-Teams. Die Publisher nutzen deshalb bei ihrer Entwicklungsarbeit verschiedene Strategien zur Risiko- und Kostenminimierung. Dazu zählen laut Studie: Geschäftsbereiche auszugliedern, Fortsetzungen bereits erfolgreicher Spiele zu veröffentlichen, Games zu populären Kinofilmen zu entwickeln oder Spiele für alle verfügbaren Plattformen zu lizenzieren. ++++ Konsolen-Hersteller suchen Markterfolg mit unterschiedlichen Strategien Eine ansprechende Auswahl attraktiver Spiele ist für die Marktetablierung der neuen Konsolen unabdingbar. Sony hat deshalb im Zuge der Einführung der Play Station 3 (PS3) ganz erheblich in die eigenen Entwicklerstudios investiert. Seit dem Launch der PS2 wurden die Kapazitäten zur Spieleentwicklung verdoppelt. Derzeit arbeiten in den 14 Studios von Sony Worldwide 2.200 Entwickler. Bis auf ein Studio sind alle mit der Entwicklung von Games für die neue Play Station 3 beschäftigt. Nur bei den unabhängigen Entwicklern Ubisoft und Electronic Arts ist die firmeneigene Entwicklermannschaft noch größer. Auch wenn Nintendo und Microsoft ebenfalls recht große Entwicklerteams beschäftigen, verfolgen beide doch andere Marktstrategien. Microsoft ist feste Partnerschaften mit Third-Party-Publishern wie zum Beispiel Epic eingegangen, um Spiele exklusiv für für die Xbox 360 zu lizenzieren. Wie man am Erfolg von Gears of War sehen kann, scheint dieses Konzept erste Früchte zu tragen. Anders bei Nintendo: Um Kostenexplosionen für die Wii-kompatiblen Spiele zu vermeiden, verzichtete man bewusst auf die Implementierung teurer HD-Grafiken und investierte statt dessen in neue Spiel- und Bedienungskonzepte. Auch bei ihrer portablen Konsole Nintendo DS setzt Nintendo auf attraktives Design und leichte Bedienbarkeit. Neue Zielgruppen, in denen Gaming noch nicht zum Alltag gehört, sollen dadurch stärker angesprochen werden. ++++ Prognose 2010: Sony führt mit der PS3 das weltweite Konsolenranking an Studienautor Ed Barton kommentiert und prognostiziert die Entwicklungen der konkurrierenden Konsolen bis 2010: „Bei den Last Generation Konsolen hatte die Play Station 2 schnell den weltweiten Markt dominiert. Diesmal ist mehr Wettbewerb zu erwarten und die Marktanteile werden sich territorial unterscheiden. Durch den 12monatigen Zeitvorsprung hat Microsoft mit der Xbox 360 in den USA bereits eine starke Position erreicht, die Märkte in Japan und Südeuropa sind aber noch längst nicht erobert. Die Nintendo Wii hat bei Third Party Publishern gute Resonanz gefunden. Kann sie diese ausbauen, wird sich Wii durch ein attraktives Spieleangebot Marktanteile sichern. Wir erwarten allerdings, dass Sonys Strategie letztlich aufgeht: durch Investitionen in die eigene Spiele-und Contententwicklung und die gleichzeitige Aufrüstung der PS3 alsbreitband-und HD-fähige Multimedia-Plattform wird sie 2010 die größte Kundenbasis weltweit haben.“ (siehe Abbildung 1) IFRA - XMA Competition to honor Cross Media Projects: Focus on Communities and Citizen Journalism – March 2, 2007from Barbara Kropp/ Ifra Registration is now open for the second annual Ifra XMA Cross Media Awards recognizing the best integrated print-digital newspaper projects worldwide. The competition this year will focus on newspapers' community-building and user-generated content projects. In the midst of the action: One of the hottest topics at present in publishing houses is the creation of “communities” and involving readers in the generation of content. Technological developments are making it increasingly simple for readers to actively participate in the design of media and their contents. And, for example as the many Web 2.0 platforms evidence, they are taking full advantage of this opportunity. Many of the contributions submitted by readers also find their way back into the printed newspaper. Reiner Mittelbach, Ifra CEO, emphasizes: “Newspapers especially are predestined to adopt an even more active role in their markets, as they are mostly the acknowledged leading medium in their areas of distribution. Whether through blogs, forums, topic portals or the integration of reader-reporters, publishing houses are already extensively using their channels to dialogue with readers as well as to reinforce their function as a platform for readers to mutually exchange their views. It is a pleasure to see how creatively newspapers worldwide are focusing on this topic. We are looking forward to receiving many exciting entries.” The Ifra XMA Cross Media Awards 2007 will be presented for innovative projects from all over the world that manage successfully to intensify their relationships with the readers as well as the relationships among the readers themselves. The main emphasis here is on projects that creatively connect the printed media with the possibilities of digital media in order to achieve maximum customer loyalty. Conditions of participation, jury and registration: Publishing houses conducting projects in the period between 1st July 2006 and 30th June 2007 are invited to enter their projects for the Ifra XMA Cross Media Awards 2007 competition. The final date for receiving entries is 30th June 2007. Entries can be submitted online under www.ifra.com/xma. A jury comprising international newspaper and media experts will evaluate the entries. Interested publishing houses can obtain all further information from Barbara Kropp (Ifra XMA Awards Team) who can be contacted by e-Mail at xma@ifra.com or kropp@ifra.com, or by phone +49.6151.733-6. Awards ceremony and XMA special showing: The XMA Award Winners will be announced at IfraExpo 2007 (from 8th to 11th October 2007 – www.ifraexpo.com), that will be held for the first time in Vienna, and presented at a XMA special showing. Escenic supports the Ifra XMA Cross Media Awards 2007 competition. Successful XMA debut last year: In last year's inaugural XMA competition, which focused on integrated print-digital coverage of the Football World Cup 2006, 55 newspapers from 29 countries entered a total of 65 special projects. VLV Spring Conference Agenda Released – March 1, 2007from Linda Forbes/VLVThursday, 19 April: VLV's 24th Spring Conference, London Speakers include: Michael Grade, Chairman, ITV plc; Jenny Abramsky BBC Audio & Music; Ed Richards, Chief Executive, Ofcom; Ford Ennals, Chief Executive, Digital UK VLV’s 24th Spring Conference ’Fresh Visions from Familiar Faces – sustaining quality content into the digital age’ will provide a rare opportunity for delegates to hear and question leading players in the broadcasting industry about the future if key genres and projects as we approach the start of digital switch-over, now less than one year away. At 10.40am, Michael Grade, until November Chairman of the BBC Governors, now the new Executive Chairman of ITV, will give the opening address. He will share his vision of the future of the company and its ability and willingness to continue fulfilling its public service remit in a more competitive market. Chair: Stewart Purvis, Professor of Journalism, City University, former Chief Executive, ITN. At 11.45am, Jenny Abramsky, BBC Director of Audio and Music will share her vision of how BBC Radio is meeting the challenges of an explosion in choice as Channel 4 launches new channels and more and more people are choosing to listen via the internet or digital television. Have her plans for the future been affected by the lower-than asked for licence fee settlement? Chair: Gillian Reynolds, Radio Critic, The Daily Telegraph. At 3pm, Ed Richards, the new Chief Executive of the regulator Ofcom will explain the direction he sees Ofcom’s will take under his hand and how it will fulfil its remit to promote the interests of citizens and consumers in the digital future. The pace of change in broadcasting is now so rapid that Ofcom is already finding it difficult to enforce the positive public service remit imposed on ITV by the 2003 Communications Act. What will remain once digital switch-over is complete? He will also look at the need for negative regulation in protecting consumers and vulnerable viewers. Chair: Steven Barnett, Observer Columnist & Professor of Broadcasting, Westminster University. At 3.45pm, Ford Ennals, Chief Executive of Digital UK, the company responsible for ensuring the UK makes a smooth switch-over to digital by 2012. Digital switch-over starts in Whitehaven, Cumbria in October this year. He will give an update on progress and future objectives. At 4.20pm the conference will end with a VLV members’ forum. Presentation of VLV 2006 Awards for Excellence in Broadcasting. At 1.45pm, following lunch, Sue MacGregor, the broadcaster and journalist will present the 2006 VLV Awards for Excellence in Broadcasting. The Awards are sponsored by The Voice of the Listener Trust. They cover Radio and TV and are nominated and chosen by VLV members. Commenting, VLV chair Jocelyn Hay said: ‘We have first class speakers on highly topical and important issues. All will allow plenty of time for questions. It will be a lively and interesting day.’ WDR - BA und GEZ wollen unbürokratisches Verfahren – March 1, 2007from Sabine Moldrings/WDR Die in der Presse verbreitete Meinung, nach der ARD und ZDF bei Langzeitarbeitslosen unberechtigt Rundfunkgebühren erheben würden, ist ebenso falsch wie die Schlussfolgerung, dass das Verfahren zur Befreiung von der Rundfunkgebührenpflicht unnötig kompliziert sei. Der 8. Rundfunkänderungsstaatsvertrag sieht unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen für den Personenkreis der Leistungsempfänger nach dem SGB II die Möglichkeit der Befreiung von der Rundfunkgebührenpflicht vor. Über den Antrag auf Befreiung von der Rundfunkgebührenpflicht, dem ein Nachweis über den Leistungsbezug beizufügen ist, entscheidet ausschließlich die Gebühreneinzugszentrale (GEZ) der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten in Köln. Grundsätzlich sieht der Staatsvertrag als Nachweis des Leistungsbezuges die Vorlage des Originalbewilligungsbescheides oder die Vorlage einer beglaubigten Kopie vor. Um ein möglichst praktikables und unbürokratisches Verfahren zur Befreiung des genannten Personenkreises von der Rundfunkgebührenpflicht zu finden, haben die GEZ und die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) gemeinsam ein Verfahren entwickelt, im Rahmen dessen die von der GEZ zur Befreiung benötigten Informationen in einer so genannten „Drittbescheinigung“ durch die BA zusammengefasst und den Bewilligungsbescheiden beigefügt werden sollen. In der Drittbescheinigung würde zusätzlich ein Hinweis auf den Bezug eines befristeten Zuschlags zum Arbeitslosengeld II enthalten sein. Die „Drittbescheinigung“ führt nach Erhebungen der GEZ jedoch zum Eingang von Millionen zusätzlicher Vorgänge, ohne dass in diesen Fällen nach den Erkenntnissen der GEZ die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen für eine Befreiung gegeben wären. Dies würde zu Irritationen und Verärgerungen bei den Antragstellern führen. Die GEZ kann deshalb dieses Verfahren nicht anwenden. Die GEZ und die BA stehen in Kontakt, um mittelfristig ein einfaches, elektronisches Datenaustauschverfahren zu entwickeln, das bürgerfreundlich, datenschutzgerecht und effizient ist. Die GEZ hat die volle Kostenübernahme hierzu zugesagt. Entgegen den am 28. Februar 2007 in der Frankfurter Rundschau im Zusammenhang mit der Rundfunkgebührenpflicht veröffentlichten Artikeln wird kein geltendes Recht unterlaufen. Bereits jetzt werden die Empfänger von Leistungen nach dem SGB II durch das Merkblatt der BA „Merkblatt SGB II-Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende“ über die Möglichkeit der Beantragung der Befreiung von der Rundfunkgebührenpflicht informiert. Auch die GEZ informiert über die Sozialämter, in ihrem Internet-Auftritt sowie mit eigenen Merkblättern über die Möglichkeiten der Gebührenbefreiung. Hierin wird insbesondere auf die möglichst frühzeitige Antragstellung bei der GEZ hingewiesen. Durch diesen Hinweis werden mögliche Rechtsnachteile für die Empfänger nach dem SGB II vermieden. Maßgeblich für die Befreiung von der Rundfunkgebührenpflicht ist nämlich der Zeitpunkt des Antragseinganges bei der GEZ. Die zur Befreiung notwendige Vorlage des Bewilligungsbescheides kann zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erfolgen. Auch hierauf wird in dem Merkblatt der BA ausdrücklich hingewiesen. Ggfs. bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt eingezogene Rundfunkgebühren werden durch die GEZ erstattet. Es ist darüber hinaus auch nicht zutreffend, dass bis zum Jahr 2005 eine Befreiung der Sozialhilfeempfänger automatisch erfolgte. Auch dieser Personenkreis musste durch die Vorlage des Bewilligungsbescheides über den Bezug von Sozialhilfe die Anspruchsvoraussetzungen nachweisen. Die Anmerkung, dass eine Befreiung von der Rundfunkgebührenpflicht durch die GEZ nur zeitlich begrenzt erfolgen kann, ist inhaltlich richtig. Die Befreiung ist unmittelbar vom Bezug der Leistungen nach dem SGB II und damit von der gesetzlichen Begrenzung der Bewilligung, die in der Regel für sechs Monate ausgesprochen wird, abhängig. Central European Media Enterprises 2006 Q4 and Full Year Results – March 1, 2007from Romana Tomasová/CME Q4 - Net Revenues Increase 41% - Operating Income Improves $31.0 Million to $73.9 Million - Segment(1) EBITDA Increases 38% FULL-YEAR - Net Revenues Increase 50% - Operating Income grows $88.5 Million to $140.7 Million - Segment(1) EBITDA Increases 39% Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. (CME) (NASDAQ/Prague Stock Exchange - CETV) today announced financial results for the three months and year ended December 31, 2006. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, consolidated net revenues for the fourth quarter of 2006 increased 41% to $214.3 million. Operating income for the quarter increased $31.0 million to $73.9 million. In the quarter, net income from continuing operations declined $3.5 million, and fully diluted earnings per share in respect of continuing operations decreased by $0.13 to $0.64. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, Segment(1) EBITDA for the quarter increased 38% to $96.8 million. Compared to the year ended December 31, 2005, consolidated net revenues for the year ended December 31, 2006 increased 50% to $603.1 million. Operating income increased $88.5 million to $140.7 million. Net income from continuing operations decreased $17.5 million to $25.3 million, and fully diluted earnings per share in respect of continuing operations decreased $0.59 to $0.62. Compared to the year ended December 31, 2005, Segment(1) EBITDA for the year ended December 31, 2006 increased 39% to $218.8 million. Our consolidated results for 2006 include TV Nova in the Czech Republic, which we acquired on May 2, 2005, and Markiza in the Slovak Republic, which was not consolidated in 2005. Michael Garin, Chief Executive Officer of CME, said, "2006 was a spectacular year especially for a company whose principal business is focused on traditional media. While western companies struggle with their future, we increased our Segment Net Revenues by 30% and Segment EBITDA by 39% and expect to continue to meet the high expectations of our shareholders. It is particularly gratifying that we have delivered record breaking audience share results which can be attributed to the operating management who oversee our activities." Arbitron - PPM Trial with Mall Radio Network Paves the Way to Electronic Media Measurement in the Retail Environment – February 26, 2007Arbitron Inc. (NYSE: ARB) today announced that it has concluded a round of testing using the Portable People Meter™ system to detect audio content broadcast in malls by Mall Radio Network (MRN). The project represents the first successful attempt to encode and monitor audio content broadcast within a mall environment. During the Houston PPM™ demonstration, Arbitron has successfully tested the PPM within individual retail establishments. This is the first trial that tracked exposure to audio played in the common areas of the mall outside individual stores. “The results of the Mall Radio Network test provide strong support for the possibility that the PPM can effectively detect audio that is broadcast in the retail mall environment and time spent exposed to Mall Radio Network content and advertising,” said Bill Rose, senior vice president, Marketing, Arbitron Inc. “Based on the success of this test, we are now negotiating with Mall Radio Network to move forward on a pilot project incorporating additional features, such as encoding audio content and commercials on different layers to better distinguish exactly what type of programming that a mall patron is exposed to.” “Use of the Portable People Meter to measure media use in malls, is part of an on-going strategy to move our out-of-home media measurement to the next level,” said Rose. “With recent efforts by Scarborough Research to enhance their mall shopping measures, we are working to meet the evolving demands of the industries we serve.” About the Mall Radio PPM Trial Arbitron’s Encoding Operations team tested the compatibility of Mall Radio Network’s satellite transmission system. Originally designed for broadcast content, the PPM system also has been tested successfully on non-traditional forms of media. The Encoding Operations Team installed encoders at the output of two Mall Radio Network audio servers system at the Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, Maryland. One server provided the music programming and the other inserted the commercials. Arbitron PPM devices were then carried throughout the mall concourse areas and into various stores. Each PPM device accurately indicated when it was in the concourse area where the Mall Radio broadcast could be heard and when it was inside a store and out of earshot of the encoded mall broadcast. The PPMs also detected code in parts of the mall that were anticipated to be more difficult to do so, such as the food court and high ceiling areas. EASA - Commissioner Kuneva challenges the advertising industry to implement effective self-regulation – February 26, 2007from Katie Carroll/EASAConsumer Protection Commissioner, Mrs. Meglena Kuneva, gave the opening speech at the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) dinner on Thursday 22 February. Expressing her support for effective advertising self-regulation as a viable complement to legislation, the Commissioner challenged the advertising industry to fund the continued development of effective self-regulation systems across and extended EU and to respond to the challenges of the new media. The dinner, on the occasion of EASA’s first Board meeting of 2007, was co-hosted by the International Advertising Association and brought together the European advertising industry, self-regulatory organisations from across the EU along with the Commissioner and three cabinet members. Mrs Kuneva expressed her support for effective self-regulation as a valid regulatory option saying that “Self-regulation has an important role to play in a modern and efficient regulatory framework – provided it meets well-defined criteria. The European Commission recognises its potential as part of its Better Regulation Policy.” In her speech, Mrs Kuneva praised the work of EASA and its coordinated efforts to establish effective self-regulation systems across an extended EU of 27 countries, and praised advertising self-regulation’s “truly European dimension”. “I recognise and welcome the efforts that EASA has made in recent years to strengthen self-regulatory mechanisms in various Member States, especially the new ones. These efforts need to be continued in the years ahead.” Referring to the recent DG Sanco Advertising Roundtables, chaired by Robert Madelin, which resulted in a report outlining the key components of a best practice self-regulation model, the Commissioner recognised the advantages of self-regulation over legislation, especially in terms of flexibility. She went on to say that “self-regulation should always be considered as an option but not the only possibility to address a certain problem. Other options need to be considered should self-regulation fail to deliver.” On behalf of the Commission, Mrs Kuneva expressed support for effective self-regulation on the condition that the system is built on trust and confidence. In order to achieve this trust, the Commissioner identified a “sustained and open dialogue” and “adequate monitoring of performance” as the core components of an effective system. The Commissioner stressed the importance of the industry’s role in providing “adequate financing of Self-Regulatory organisations” that are participative, transparent and based on trust. In conclusion, Mrs Kuneva identified the key challenges facing advertising self-regulation in the coming years. “I am sure that we can go further together to address the new challenges that we are facing today – moving towards establishing advertising self-regulation as a living Best practice model, while addressing the challenges of an enlarged European Union and of new media.” EASA Chairman, Mr Jean-Pierre Teyssier, in his welcome speech to the Commissioner said “Through the recent Advertising Roundtable discussions it became clear that EASA and DG Sanco have a strong common goal – to ensure that advertising standards are high so that consumers have trust an confidence in advertising. To achieve this common goal we hope to continue to have an active and constructive relationship with DG Sanco and all the Commission services.” Previous News From YouWeek ending September 30, 2006 |
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